SQL Server File Naming Standards

Attention to detail in naming SQL Server physical files and logical file names will make a DBAs life easier. This is especially important when using RESTORE or attach. I suggest one establish and follow a naming standard for physical and logical database file names.

SQL Server does not enforce any particular naming standard for files.  SQL Server is perfectly happy with a data file named “readme.txt” or a log file named “word.doc”.  Of course, such an inappropriate name and extension will lead to confusion so the best practice is to name files appropriately.  An appropriate SQL Server database file name is essentially one that is self-documenting; one should be able to determine the exact purpose of a file simply by examining the name.  I recommend a naming standard that includes the associated database name, filegroup name, and file type.

Physical File Names
I propose adopting a physical file naming convention of “<database-name>_< filegroup-name>_<uniqueifier>.<file-type>” where:

  • <database-name> is the name of the associated database
  • <filegroup-name> is the name of the filegroup containing the file, or the literal “Log” for log files
  • <uniqueifier> is a integer to ensure the file name is unique
  • <file-type> is the standard SQL Server extension for the file type (“mdf”, “ndf”, or “ldf”) as documented in the SQL Server Books Online Database Files and Filegroups topic

Personally, I use an underscore to separate the name components but a dash will also suffice.  Ideally, the separator character should never be used in database or filegroup names to avoid ambiguity.  I recommend one avoid using special characters in database and filegroup names (e.g. use proper case) and ensure database and filegroup names conform to the rules for regular identifiers as outlined in the Books Online Database Identifiers topic.

There is some wiggle room as to how strictly one adheres to this naming convention.  One could omit the filegroup name and uniqueifier components for the primary data file (mdf) because this file is implicitly in the PRIMARY filegroup and there can be only primary data file in the filegroup/database.  Similarly, the uniqueifier could be omitted for the first or only file within a filegroup.   That being said, a more strict adherence this naming convention provides better consistency and makes naming file more of a no-brainer.

Note that the uniqueifier in the name need not imply a sequential value with no gaps.  For example, consider a database named MyDatabase with filegroup DataFG containing 3 files named ‘MyDatabase_DataFG_1.ndf’, ‘MyDatabase_DataFG_2.ndf’, and ‘MyDatabase_DataFG_3.ndf’.  If the second file is removed, there is no requirement to rename file ‘MyDatabase_DataFG_3.ndf’ to ‘MyDatabase_DataFG_2.ndf’.  However, if one is anal about such things, there is no harm in doing so other than the unavailability of the database during the maintenance.

The physical file naming convention described above will guarantee physical file names are unique within a SQL Server instance and facilitate relocation to different drives/folders without naming conflicts.  On a server with multiple instances, I suggest placing files in separate folders for each instance.  This practice will better organize database files while avoiding file name conflicts when a database with the same name exists on different instances.

Logical File Names
Although I commonly see database names embedded within logical file names, I suggest one avoid that practice.  The scope of a logical file name is the context database so including the database name is redundant.  More importantly, the original logical file name is retained when a database is subsequently restored or attached with a different name so the name becomes out-of-sync with the actual database name unless one explicitly changes the names afterward to match the new database name.  This extra administrative work is often overlooked and can be avoided entirely by not including the database name in the logical file name when the initial database is created or altered.

I suggest one use the same naming convention for the logical file name as the physical file name but without the database name.  The logical name will therefore match the last part of physical name (< filegroup-name>_<uniqueifier>).

Unfortunately, SQL Server likes to include the database name in logical names of the primary data file and log file during initial creation.  Executing a minimal create database T-SQL statement like “CREATE DATABASE Foo;” will result in the files below created in the default data and log folder for the instance.  This also applies to the logical names suggested by the SSMS GUI, although one can specify different names as desired.

Logical Name Physical Name
Foo D:\SqlDataFiles\Foo.mdf
Foo_log L:\SqlLogFiles\Foo_log.ldf

I recommend using the expanded form of CREATE DATABASE so that you have complete control over names, locations, and sizes.  Consider creating a custom SSMS template or code snippet to facilitate creating databases with the proper names.

    (NAME = PRIMARY_1,
    FILENAME = N'D:\SqlDataFiles\ExampleDatabase_PRIMARY_1.mdf',
    SIZE = 10MB,
    MAXSIZE = 50MB,
    FILEGROWTH = 10%)
    ( NAME = Log_1,
    FILENAME = N'L:\SqlLogFiles\ExampleDatabase_Log_1.ldf',
    SIZE = 10MB,
    MAXSIZE = 50MB,


Below are examples of the naming conventions detailed in this article.

Simple database with only a primary data and log file:

Logical Name Physical Name
PRIMARY_1 D:\SqlDataFiles\ExampleDatabase_PRIMARY_1.mdf
Log_1 L:\SqlLogFiles\ExampleDatabase_Log_1.ldf

Database with 2 files in PRIMARY filegroup, 2 secondary filegroups containing 3 files each, and 2 log files:

Logical Name Physical Name
PRIMARY_1 D:\SqlDataFiles\ExampleDatabase_PRIMARY_1.mdf
PRIMARY_2 E:\SqlDataFiles\ExampleDatabase_PRIMARY_2.ndf
DataFG_1 F:\SqlDataFiles\ExampleDatabase_DataFG_1.ndf
DataFG_2 G:\SqlDataFiles\ExampleDatabase_DataFG_2.ndf
DataFG_3 H:\SqlDataFiles\ExampleDatabase_DataFG_3.ndf
IndexFG_1 I:\SqlDataFiles\ExampleDatabase_IndexFG_1.ndf
IndexFG_2 J:\SqlDataFiles\ExampleDatabase_IndexFG_2.ndf
IndexFG_3 K:\SqlDataFiles\ExampleDatabase_IndexFG_3.ndf
Log_1 L:\SqlLogFiles\ExampleDatabase_Log_1.ldf
Log_2 M:\SqlLogFiles\ExampleDatabase_Log_2.ldf