SQL Server 2016 SP1 Standard Edition Enhancements

I seldom get excited about service packs but the changes released with SQL Server 2016 SP1 are the most significant I’ve seen in a SQL Server service pack in 20+ years. Microsoft announced this week at the Microsoft Connect(); developer’s conference that SQL Server 2016 SP1, which is available for download immediately, allows features previously available only in Enterprise/Developer Editions to be used in lessor Standard, Web, Express, and LocalDB Editions too. Features like table partitioning, In-Memory OLTP, and columnstore are now options for developers and DBAs using SQL Server Standard Edition and even the free Express Edition in production. See SQL Server 2016 Service Pack 1 (SP1) released !!! for the complete matrix of programmability features by edition along with other cool SP1 information.

The implications are huge now that SQL Server has the same programmability surface area among editions. The choice of the production edition can be made independently based on operational needs rather than programmability features. Developers can use a free edition (i.e. LocalDB, Express or Developer) without fear a feature won’t be available in production as long as prod is running SQL Server 2016 SP1 or greater. DBAs can now choose the appropriate edition for production based on other considerations like advanced high availability, TDE, Auditing as well as performance features like higher supported memory, more number of cores, and advanced scanning. This separation of concerns avoids the need to lock in the production edition early in the application lifecycle, making development easier and production implementation more flexible.

Real World Use Case Scenario
I work with an ISV with hundreds of customers running a mix of Standard and Enterprise Edition. Their needs vary widely and SQL Server Enterprise Edition is not an option for some due to budget constraints. Some tables are often quite large so partitioning is required for manageability and, for their reporting workload, partitioning also improves performance of large scans due to partition elimination. The ugliness though, is that table partitioning (and/or columnstore) is the right tool for the job but was not an option for customers on Standard Edition.

The ISV initially compromised and used view partitioning instead of table partitioning so that the same code would run regardless of edition. Although that provided the expected manageability benefits, there were some downsides. Compilation time increased significantly as the number of partitioned view member tables increased as did the query plan complexity. This sometimes resulted in poor query plans against very large tables and especially impacted larger and most valued customers, most of which were running Enterprise Edition.

To address the problem before SQL Server 2016 SP1, the ISV added conditional code to the application so that either view or table partitioning could be used depending on the SQL Server edition. This wasn’t ideal as it added code complexity and doubled the number of QA test cases for application features that performed partition maintenance. However, since the resultant benefits for their larger customers on Enterprise Edition were quite significant; the additional costs of development and testing were well-justified.

Now that table partitioning is available in SQL Server 2016 SP1 Standard Edition, they plan to require SQL Server 2016 SP1 (or later) going forward, use table partitioning unconditionally, and perhaps introduce usage of other features like columnstore that were previously Enterprise only. Not only will this simplify the code base and test cases, customers on Standard Edition will be happier with their experience and can upgrade to Enterprise if they so choose without reinstalling or reconfiguring the application. It will of course take some time before all their customers upgrade to the latest product version and SQL 2016 SP1+ but the future is much brighter now.

Perform Due Diligence
If you are new to features previously available only in Enterprise Edition, I suggest you perform due diligence before using these features. Memory-optimized features like columnstore and In-Memory OLTP require additional physical memory and insufficient memory with memory-optimized features will be a production show-stopper. Make sure your hardware is sized appropriately regardless of edition and, in the case of editions other than Enterprise or Developer, memory requirements don’t exceed the maximum capacity limits for that edition. Although very powerful, In-Memory OLTP is a fundamentally different paradigm that you might be accustomed to regarding transactional behavior and isolation levels. Be sure you fully understand these features before using it in development or production.

I hope these changes are enough motivation for you to consider upgrading to SQL Server 2016 SP1, especially if you are running Standard Edition or are currently on an older SQL Server version. Together with the fact that SQL Server 2016 just runs faster, the time and effort spend in upgrading is a solid investment that will pay dividends regardless of edition.

SQL Server 2016 and Azure SQL Database V12 Breaking Change

This post is to get the word out about a breaking change to datetime conversion and comparison behavior in SQL Server 2016 and Azure SQL Database V12. This change hasn’t been documented as of this writing in the Breaking Changes to Database Engine Features in SQL Server 2016 topic in the SQL Server Books Online.

In short, conversion from datetime to a higher precision temporal data type (datetime2, datetimeoffset, or time) may yield a different, but more accurate, time value than in prior versions. Also, predicates involving datetime consider the full precision of raw datetime internal value instead of the time value rounded to the nearest millisecond. These changes in conversion and comparison behavior may affect existing applications and are not intuitive unless one understands the underlying datetime data type implementation.

You may be aware that the accuracy of datetime is limited to 1/300 of a second. This is because values are internally an 8-byte structure consisting of 2 separate 32-bit integers, one with the number of day units since 1900-01-01 and the other with the number of 1/300 second interval units since midnight. The 1/300 second unit interval limits the time accuracy to 3.33333… milliseconds and the milliseconds value will be a repeating decimal when time interval units are not evenly divisible by 3. The raw decimal value is rounded to a scale of 3 in accordance with the fixed datetime precision of 3, resulting in a millisecond value of 0, 3, or 7 for all datetime values.

Pre-SQL Server 2016 Behavior
Before SQL Server 2016, conversion from datetime to another temporal type used the source datetime value after it was rounded to the nearest millisecond, which truncated repeating decimal fractional milliseconds. The rounded value was then rounded again according to the target type precision. When the target type precision was greater than 3, the time was extended to the target type precision with insignificant trailing zeros, resulting in zero for the sub-millisecond value.

DECLARE @DateTime datetime = '2016-01-01T00:00:00.007';
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(0)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(1)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.0
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(2)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.01
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(3)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.007
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(4)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.0070
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(5)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.00700
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(6)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.007000
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(7)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.0070000

Also, when datetime was compared to another temporal type, the rounded value was used. This script shows the result of the equality predicate is true after the datetime value is converted to datetime2.

--This script prints EQUAL predicate is true
DECLARE @DateTime datetime = '2016-01-01T00:00:00.003';
DECLARE @DateTime2 datetime2(7) = @DateTime;
IF @DateTime = @DateTime2 PRINT 'EQUAL predicate is true' ELSE PRINT 'EQUAL predicate is not true';
IF @DateTime < @DateTime2 PRINT 'LESS THAN predicate is true' ELSE PRINT 'LESS THAN predicate is not true';
IF @DateTime > @DateTime2 PRINT 'GREATER THAN predicate is true' ELSE PRINT 'GREATER THAN predicate is not true';
--This script prints EQUAL predicate is true
DECLARE @DateTime datetime = '2016-01-01T00:00:00.007';
DECLARE @DateTime2 datetime2(7) = @DateTime;
IF @DateTime = @DateTime2 PRINT 'EQUAL predicate is true' ELSE PRINT 'EQUAL predicate is not true';
IF @DateTime < @DateTime2 PRINT 'LESS THAN predicate is true' ELSE PRINT 'LESS THAN predicate is not true';
IF @DateTime > @DateTime2 PRINT 'GREATER THAN predicate is true' ELSE PRINT 'GREATER THAN predicate is not true';

SQL Server 2016 Behavior Change
SQL Server 2016 and Azure SQL Database V12 use the raw datetime internal value without rounding during conversion to another temporal type. The value is rounded only once during conversion, to the target type precision. The end result will be the same as before SQL Server 2016 when the target type precision is 3 or less. However, the converted value will be different when the target type precision is greater than 3 and the internal time unit interval is not evenly divisible by 3 (i.e. rounded source datetime millisecond value is 3 or 7). Note the non-zero microseconds and nanoseconds in the script results below and that rounding is based on the target type precision rather than the source.

DECLARE @DateTime datetime = '2016-01-01T00:00:00.003';
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(0)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(1)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.0
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(2)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.03
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(3)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.003
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(4)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.0033
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(5)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.00333
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(6)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.003333
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(7)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.0033333
DECLARE @DateTime datetime = '2016-01-01T00:00:00.007';
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(0)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(1)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.0
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(2)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.01
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(3)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.007
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(4)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.0067
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(5)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.00667
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(6)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.006667
SELECT CAST(@DateTime AS datetime2(7)); --2016-01-01 00:00:00.0066667

This behavior change provides a more accurate converted value but may break applications that expect the converted value to be the same as the rounded datetime value as was the case before SQL Server 2016.

Be aware than the full raw datetime precision (instead of the rounded value) is also used when evaluating predicates involving a datetime type. The full precision of both arguments are used, resulting in the equality compare predicate to evaluate to false in both scripts below. The greater than predicate is true in the first script and the less than predicate is true in the second:

--This script prints GREATER THAN predicate is true
DECLARE @DateTime datetime = '2016-01-01T00:00:00.003';
DECLARE @DateTime2 datetime2(7) = @DateTime;
IF @DateTime = @DateTime2 PRINT 'EQUAL predicate is true' ELSE PRINT 'EQUAL predicate is not true';
IF @DateTime < @DateTime2 PRINT 'LESS THAN predicate is true' ELSE PRINT 'LESS THAN predicate is not true';
IF @DateTime > @DateTime2 PRINT 'GREATER THAN predicate is true' ELSE PRINT 'GREATER THAN predicate is not true';
--This script prints LESS THAN predicate is true
DECLARE @DateTime datetime = '2016-01-01T00:00:00.007';
DECLARE @DateTime2 datetime2(7) = @DateTime;
IF @DateTime = @DateTime2 PRINT 'EQUAL predicate is true' ELSE PRINT 'EQUAL predicate is not true';
IF @DateTime < @DateTime2 PRINT 'LESS THAN predicate is true' ELSE PRINT 'LESS THAN predicate is not true';
IF @DateTime > @DateTime2 PRINT 'GREATER THAN predicate is true' ELSE PRINT 'GREATER THAN predicate is not true';

To provide insight into why the comparisons result in greater than and less than respectively, the script below shows the nanoseconds value of the compared data types:

DECLARE @DateTime datetime = '2016-01-01T00:00:00.003';
DECLARE @DateTime2 datetime2(7) = @DateTime;
SELECT DATEPART(nanosecond, @DateTime); --3333333
SELECT DATEPART(nanosecond, @DateTime2); --3333300
DECLARE @DateTime datetime = '2016-01-01T00:00:00.007';
DECLARE @DateTime2 datetime2(7) = @DateTime;
SELECT DATEPART(nanosecond, @DateTime); --6666666
SELECT DATEPART(nanosecond, @DateTime2); --6666700

The datetime2 type is accurate only to 100 nanosecond whereas datetime includes values to the nanosecond (and beyond) because the theoretical precision of repeating decimal values is unlimited. The implication is that a datetime type with a repeating decimal value will never compare equally with any temporal type except datetime.

Datetime conversion and comparison behavior is controlled by the database compatibility level. Databases in SQL Server 2016 level (130) use the new behavior and the legacy behavior is used with other levels.

These datetime behavior changes have the benefit of improved accuracy and performance of datetime conversion/comparison. Affected applications can use a pre-SQL Server 2016 database compatibility level until they can be remediated.

I recommend one avoid comparing datetime directly to other temporal types going forward. Instead convert the datetime value to the type being compared and use the converted value in the predicate. It’s generally best practice to match data types whenever possible for performance and to avoid ambiguity.